The Success Indicator: Do You Have What It Takes?

MaryEllen Tribby, Founder and CEO of Working Moms Only, recently published a revised infographic outlining the character traits separating the successful from unsuccessful. Featured below, the chart has been spreading like a wildfire via social networks, prompting many to evaluate the characteristics, traits and habits that shape and sustain our forward progress. While this chart is not the end all, be all; it provides a realistic comparison tool for those like myself in need of a little self-evaluation, entering the workforce or in need of an indication they are on the right track.

The Success Indicator is an especially good resource for college students and something I wanted to share because as young adults we are still finding ourselves, discovering our purpose and growing to accept the traits that shape our personality and marketability.

As I reflected on 2012 and what I wanted for myself in 2013, I made a list of this chart and highlighted traits I embody on both sides of the spectrum.

As I expected, the good outweighed the bad, but I knew I would need to deal with my four unsuccessful traits as well as the traits in the success column I did not highlight. I started by posing my unsuccessful traits as questions; “Why do I hold grudges?” “Why do I watch TV everyday?” “Why do I talk about people?” and “Why do I fear change?” For me, identifying why I enable these bad traits, will help to eliminate them.

As for the successful traits I had yet to highlight, I was gifted a journal for Christmas (a sign), I have embraced change by accepting there is a reason I moved from sunny California to cold Syracuse; I am learning to forgive others AND forget there transgressions; and, exuding joy is now on my “to-be” list 🙂

I am taking the steps to identify what I need to improve; I urge you to do the same. None of us is perfect but if we recognize our flaws and weak traits, we can work to attain success in all areas of life.


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