Our Bloggers

Chanda Picott – Public Relations 2013

As the Newhouse Diversity Initiatives Assistant, I understand the importance of collaboration, retention and diversity. Coming from an undergraduate experience where African Americans made up less than two percent of the student population and Native Americans accounted for even less, I experienced firsthand the challenges of inclusion, resources and success amongst peers I could readily identify with. Diversity is important to me because it illustrates the advancement of education across numerous cultures and disciplines as well as a willingness by minorities to break through the glass ceiling and contribute positively to society.

Fun facts: I am a high school national record holder in track & field.
Favorite Quote: “Tears will get you sympathy, but sweat gets you results.”




More bios coming soon!

Want to be a diversity blogger this semester or next? Contact Max Patino via email mapatino@syr.edu or stop by the Newhouse Visitors Center in N-1!

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